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North-central California Coast and Ocean Climate-Smart Adaptation Project: Focal Resources Workshop

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February 11, 2014 • San Francisco • California Academy of Sciences


Project Background:
The goal of the North-central California Coast and Ocean Climate-Smart Adaptation Project is to collaboratively develop and implement adaptation actions in response to, and in preparation for, climate change impacts on habitats, species and ecosystem services. Phase 1 of the project consists of two workshops: 1) Focal Resources Workshop to finalize a list of habitats, species and ecosystem services; and 2) Vulnerability Assessment Workshop to assess the vulnerability of focal resources to climate change impacts. Together, these workshops will provide the necessary science and management context for the development of adaptation strategies in Phase 2.
Workshop 1 Goal:
Finalize a list of North-central California Coast and Ocean focal resources (species, habitats and ecosystem services) for use in vulnerability assessments.
Workshop 1 Objectives:
  • Understand the project vision and goals, and the purpose of Workshop 1
  • Produce a consensus list of focal resources (species, habitats, and ecosystem services) through breakout group exercises and large group discussion
  • Understand the purpose of Workshop 2 and the process of vulnerability assessments
  • Determine information needs and available resources for Workshop 2

Agenda & Speakers

  • Maria Brown, Superintendent, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (GFNMS)
  • Terry Gosliner, Dean of Science and Research Collections, California Academy of Sciences
  • Lara Hansen, Executive Director, EcoAdapt
  • Sara Hutto, Ocean Climate Initiative Specialist, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary

Reading & Resources

Recommended Readings