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Climate Implementation Tools for Recreation Planning

September 6, 2016 • Butte, MT • Butte Ranger District Office
Workshop Objectives
  1. Review climate vulnerability and adaptation implementation tools for recreation planning.
  2. Finalize list of recreation categories to be used in application of climate implementation tools.
  3. Provide an overview of climate and non-climate GIS layers and how they can inform recreation planning.
  4. Present examples of how recreation forest plan components can be written using a climate lens.
  5. Apply climate implementation tools in the development of recreation forest plan components (e.g., desired conditions, objectives, approaches/strategies).
  6. Explore the application of climate implementation tools in the development of program level recreation strategies.
Workshop Goal
For participants to walk away with ideas on different approaches and wording for integrating climate vulnerability and adaptation information into recreation forest plan components and/or program strategies.
Agenda & Speakers
Andrea Woodward, USGS: Implementing Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptation Planning for USFS Region 1
Alicia Torregrosa, USGS: GIS Layers for Implementing Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptation Planning for USFS Region 1
Reading & Resources